The Terrible Tragedy of Travis the Turkey” is set of activities that can be used around the time of Thanksgiving. There are two versions of the tasks: the first one for students with an A2/B1 level of English and the other for those with a B1/B2 level. For each level, there are five tasks that students should be able to complete within a 45-minute lesson. In each task, there are five points to score. The idea behind the lesson is that the students are on a mission to save Travis the Turkey from dying and being roasted for Thanksgiving dinner. The students are given a chance to travel back in time to stop his death. Unfortunately, they cannot leap back in time to the exact moment Travis’s journey to the Thanksgiving table started. They can only leap one event at a time. The whole mission will take five leaps in time: starting from the table, through the kitchen, supermarket, meat factory, and ending on the farm. Travis will be saved only if the students complete all the tasks.
Poziom: A2/B1; B1/B2
Liczba stron: 18
O autorze
Jestem nauczycielem języka angielskiego od siedemnastu lat. Uczę młodzież przygotowującą się do matury. Moje nauczycielskie koniki to wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii, drama, zwiększanie kreatywności swojej i uczniów oraz ciągła praca nad własnym rozwojem.
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