● “The European Day of Languages ” is a set of 15 activities that can be used around 26th September to celebrate the European Day of Languages.
● Out of the 15 tasks, the first five can be used with students at A2/B1 level, the next five with those at B1/B2, and the last five at B2/C1.
● Each group of five tasks can be used together as a series of activities but each single task can also be used on its own.
● Each task is accompanied by two follow-up activities that you may use if you would like to create a full lesson around one of the main tasks.
O autorze
Jestem nauczycielem języka angielskiego od siedemnastu lat. Uczę młodzież przygotowującą się do matury. Moje nauczycielskie koniki to wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii, drama, zwiększanie kreatywności swojej i uczniów oraz ciągła praca nad własnym rozwojem.
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