“Creeping across the Curriculum” is a collection of 14 activities that can be used with students at B1-B2+ levels. Each activity is connected with a different lexical topic from the Curriculum and has a Halloween twist to it.
● You can use a selection of the activities here to conduct a Halloween related lesson and at the same time practise the vocabulary on the topics you are currently working on with your students or would like them to revise.
● You can also use any of the activities here to add a little Halloween flavour to your lessons by choosing one that is aligned with the vocabulary your students are currently working on and this way supplement or expand on whatever you are currently doing with that particular group of students
O autorze
Jestem nauczycielem języka angielskiego od siedemnastu lat. Uczę młodzież przygotowującą się do matury. Moje nauczycielskie koniki to wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii, drama, zwiększanie kreatywności swojej i uczniów oraz ciągła praca nad własnym rozwojem.
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