A Gamified Halloween Experience
Przejdź do zakupu!“A Wise Witch and the Cauldron of Feelings” is a set of 16 activities that can be used around Halloween with students at B1-B2 levels.
You can mix and match the activities to suit the needs of your students and yours.
Each of the sixteen tasks includes:
A title that introduces the magical/legendary creatures the task is connected with and the feeling that has been assigned to them in the game.
An introduction that gives a short overview of the creatures.
An ingredient of the magical potion that the students can gain if they complete the task.
An instruction detailing what the students must do in the task that follows
O autorze
Jestem nauczycielem języka angielskiego od siedemnastu lat. Uczę młodzież przygotowującą się do matury. Moje nauczycielskie koniki to wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii, drama, zwiększanie kreatywności swojej i uczniów oraz ciągła praca nad własnym rozwojem.
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