is a collection of nine lesson plans, three for each of the following levels: A2/B1, B1/B2, B2/C1.
Przejdź do zakupu“A Christmas Medley of Lesson Plans” is a collection of nine lesson plans, three for each of the following levels: A2/B1, B1/B2, B2/C1.
Each lesson plan may be used within a lesson of forty-five minutes or longer, depending on the number of activities chosen. Each lesson plan includes one main language task (a reading one, a listening one or a Use of English task) and a few follow-up activities, which may include speaking, writing or vocabulary tasks.
If you prefer, you may use just the main language tasks without any of the accompanyingactivities.
Each lesson plan includes a Student Worksheet that you must copy for each student, and a Teacher Worksheet and Notes, which include the content of the Student Worksheet with the answer key, and suggestions on how to use all the activities. Feel free, however, to use the activities in any way that will suit your teaching style and benefit your students.
At the end of the materials, you can find the tapescripts of all the listening tasks. The audio tracks can be accessed by scanning the QR codes or using the links provided. If the students do that individually, make sure they use earphones/headphones so that they do not disturb each other. If the recordings don’t open automatically after scanning the codes, tell the students to click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and choose ‘open in browser’.
O autorze
Jestem nauczycielem języka angielskiego od siedemnastu lat. Uczę młodzież przygotowującą się do matury. Moje nauczycielskie koniki to wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii, drama, zwiększanie kreatywności swojej i uczniów oraz ciągła praca nad własnym rozwojem.
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